Saturday 15 August 2009

posing a question

As you may know Im interested in our (as humans) relationship with the landscape and how this is changing, and has been changing rapidly since the Industrial Revolution.
These three images are at probably the most extreme end of one side of the spectrum, mainly because of the process involved to get them how they look now.

All these photo's were composed, framed etc in Google Street View, then mildly touched in photoshop, mainly colours. In todays western world you don't even need to leave your armchair to go 'taking photographs'. In relation with our landscapes, you can basically wander (so to speak) around the open countryside, cities etc and take in the views of places you have never been; sad really that someone thought this would be a good idea, although I cant see it becoming a replacement.

These first 3 images are within 15mins of my house, depending on how i feel towards this idea, i may post some more later in the week.

tell me what you think, do you have any questions?


  1. this is a really cool idea you wouldn't think they were taken from Google earth.

  2. That is hopefully the point when seen in a gallery until you read the statement you wouldn't notice. I think it would be better if the statement was placed at the end of the exhibition
