Tuesday 11 August 2009

Day 3

Just sitting on Rathlin, on the coast at the top of a plateau in my tent.
Rain is pouring down which is quite noisy. Earlier, we went round the coast, seen and explored some monumental coastal scenery. Was like something from a fantasy novel, reminded me of 'Shadow of a Dark Queen' when they land/shipwrecked on Novindus for the first time.
We have be plagued by various insects as this place is virtually untouched by humans; Mainly grass ticks, absolutely everywhere. Every 5 mins you find half a dozen on your arms/legs/torso, a right pain in the arse! I'm getting bitten as I write.
We have been getting invaded all day since we pitched tent.

Was at lighthouse and seen a small colony of puffins, a spanish guy who had lived in Whitehead gave me a bird badge and I gave him a pound, he also worked there.

During heavy rain after dinner - Hangman Results -
'The Dark Knight' 5lives left Aaron 1
'Man on Wire' 5lives left Andy 1
'Lost in La Mancha' 2lives left Aaron 1
'Castaway' 5lives left Andy 1
'Heat' 1life left Aaron 1
'Apollo 13' 4lives left Andy 1
'Space Jam' 0lives left Aaron 0

Fairly warm, although it is still loud from rain. Tired and Excited for what lies ahead for tomorrow.


Beyond Care, too tired, going to sleep.


  1. Looks like a really cool trip guys, did you guys go on a boat at some point? looks like aron is on one at that 1st pic.

  2. Yea we got a speedboat across to Rathlin Island, 20min crossing, it seemed a bit dodgey as the main ferry was booked up and this local guy called Liam offered us a crossing. But it was fine.
