Monday 28 December 2009

Sunday 27 December 2009

nice to hear

The Independent reports that…

“…strongly worded warning was circulated by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) last night. In an email sent to the chief constables of England and Wales’s 43 police forces, officers were advised that [...] “Officers and community support officers are reminded that we should not be stopping and searching people for taking photos. Unnecessarily restricting photography, whether from the casual tourist or professional, is unacceptable.”

Saturday 26 December 2009

Light the Last Flare, (Steetley - My Interpretation)

A few images that I contributed to the book Now this project is completed the only thing to do now is get the prints ready for the first exhibition in February. I will be getting in touch with a lot more people once we have our launch night date confirmed, but for now here is a taster.

images copyright Andrew Clarke 2010

Sunday 20 December 2009


My friend Tony has been working on a series of animations for a LBI - D&AD brief for what I assume is a university project, not too sure. but anyway here are the animations he has created so far. Make sure you have your sound on!

Friday 18 December 2009

A night by the 5 mile

copyright Andrew Clarke 2009

Rage Against 'The' Machine

'THE' Machine

'if you wanted to clean up the line repeated in the final chant, you could try something along the lines of: "Since I believe police officers and law-makers to be institutionally corrupt, I see no need to follow their instructions." Alan Connor (News.BBC.CO.UK)

The Fun Machine Shat itself and Died

Katie Press (my girlfriend) and Mark Chung presented an installation yesterday in our 'University' complex. It aimed to put people in a comforting environment and then flip that on its head by introducing a element of unease. The installation consisted of a corridor in which the floor had been double coated in bubble wrap. The ambient light in the corridor was very low and there was a clown looming in the darkness. It was an effective installation and most people who commented on it, seen the point to it. Most people didn't like the clown though.

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Nearly 2 1/2 Years ago exactly

acting as a studio assistant for my friend Andrew (although he likes to be called Connor) Tyrrell. This photo was taken during one of our first times using the studio, and one of the last ironically. It was all epic landscapes with derogatory meanings from here on in.


Sunday 13 December 2009

Light the Last Flare, The book on Completion

As you may (or may not) know I have been collaborating with a few people on a project which looks at the Steetley Magnesite. The plan is for an exhibition, which will hopefully tour to a few different galleries. But along side this, there is a book which is going to be aimed at getting published.

The book consists of 57 Images, at a colossal 14.5 meters this concertina book is a major accomplishment for Andrew Tyrrell, Sam Donegan and Myself.

6th december Night Walk

Its been quite a while, 22nd August to be precise since I have done any work on my 'Night Walk' series, also known as 'Halfway From Home'

I have began shooting again, if you are unfarmiliar with the process used to create these images, from an exhibition last year, the following text accompanied the images.

Part of a series of photographs entitled, Halfway From Home, A study of landscape, environment, essence and my relationship with all the factors at hand when these photographs are created. They are as much a meditation practice as they are a photographical process. Standing late at night, wherever i walk to, and at the point where I decide to head back I take a 10min exposure, which is handheld. The reason for the handholding of the camera is for two reasons. The first is that when not using a tripod and standing concentrating you become more aware of your surroundings, and have more connection with the time period that passed between the shutter clicking, which is a major element in relationship with the location. The second is to create the visual effect, which hopefully can draw the viewer into the photograph and make them want to see more. Any questions, criticism, will be greatly appreciated.

Friday 4 December 2009


ive been having problems today with colour correcting with long exposures. I thought this was funny, cheered me up anyway

Thursday 3 December 2009

the third image

Another few images taken a few weeks back from my current project 'Five Miles Too Short', in reference to the new Carlisle by-pass. This project is still at its early stages (as is the road) so any constructive criticism would be well appreciated!

Current Listening Vol. 4

ockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344">

I absolutely love this band, being music I grew up with; I always have done. This first album
'Queens of the Stoneage' (self titled) is so hard to come by these days, I only know one person
with a copy of it. I managed to get a download of the album, you should check it out. Its by far their
best work, undoubtedly!

Monday 30 November 2009

The Last Days With my Father

I don't know what to say really about this! You need to read it really. Its much too personal from the photographers point of view for me to make a comment on it.

national geographic contest 2009

The breakdown is up for some striking individual images from around the world, some not so striking, but even if you cant be arsed to vote for one, you could at least have a look couldn't you?

Saturday 28 November 2009

Dirty Car Art

An interesting look at human interaction with surrounding objects, I don't know how I would react if i seen a man painting with water on the back window of my car.

Have a look HERE

Current Listening Vol. 3

I have neglected this stream of posts even though its still at the beginning. Anyway this weeks spotlight shines on LGLP, a band from the Tee-side area of the northeast of England. Mixing industrial techno with electronic metal (with a whole load of other madness in-between). Definitely worth a listen, you can get all 3 EP's HERE at the blog FOR FREE, so what are you waiting for!

Get it in ya!

Friday 27 November 2009

inside of emptyness

A few images from a current project I am working on which will take quite a while to complete. The two images shown here are only a portion of the project (notice lack of narrative) but I thought they might look good up here and maybe give people something to think about.

The project spawned from a lyric I wrote for a new song, like most lyrics and ideas I cannot remember the moment when it appeared in my mind.

"You will end up with nothing,
If you do not commit to starting,
with something you know nothing

Although I am aware that the lyric although the initial catalyst for this project, I am in the process of deciding wether or not it sits well with the images. Anyway here are the first few from this project anyway, with more to follow at a later date.

All photographs and text copyright Andrew Clarke 2009

Friday 20 November 2009

feeling moist?

Well if you live in Carlisle then you will certainly be aware of the height of the two main rivers in the city. The Caldew and what has become the 'epic' River Eden. I went out for a look last night about midnight to see what everyone was flipping out about and was quite shocked myself. In the three year I've been here I haven't seen the Eden as high as it is, and I have been living really close to it all this time.
A few photo's I took while out with my compact, enjoy and if you live in a potentially flooding area I guess you may start praying or doing a sun dance or something.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Current Listening Vol. 2

The new, eagerly anticipated album from Modest Mouse. Seems to have left the previous 'We were dead before the ship even sank' clean and well formed sound behind and moved back a few paces into what they used to do so well.
Its fresh, psychadelic and elemental a great album to wake up to!

Monday 16 November 2009

Southam at Tullie House!

Jem Southams current touring exhibition 'Clouds Descending' is coming to Tullie House in Carlisle, what a privilege.

To get your invite for the evening preview, have a look here

Sunday 15 November 2009

Lets get wrecked and start a faith

become a minister, marry your dog, build a statue out of bricks and wool to worship. whatever takes your fancy, you can legitimise it here and become a religious leader.

Panzer Division

Imagine the Shock

Sunday 8 November 2009

Merlot Sir?

City Of Culture 2013

Well, last nights display of public organisation and entertainment was impressive, on a completely different level compared to last years display.
The theme was love, although burning a heart shaped castle? someone in the planning obviously isn't aware of symbols of representation. Aside from this slight humour, it was a good night by all and it was good to see that people actually live here. In the three years I have lived in Carlisle I have never seen so many people walking around the cathedral quarter.

Good stuff!

Friday 6 November 2009

Wet as ****

Just got back from walking the southern section of the Carlisle Bypass. I seen lots of photo's that I had planned on taking but the weather was so shit. Constant torrential rain, there were 3 breaks in the rain, each I waited for under a tree predicting the cloud breaks.

6 miles
3 photos
legs = soaked
back cold + sore

nice walk though I guess.

Il post the images when they come back from the Dev.

Thursday 5 November 2009

Current Listening Vol. 1

I'm going to start posting some of the music I am listening to at the moment, usually the albums I stick on when doing work, or just chilling out.
This weeks topic for discussion is a band called Ataxia (which means from ancient Greek ' Lack of Order'
With solid drumming, rolling hypnotic bass lines with rigid but sometimes flowing guitar pieces, tied together with structural lyrical content they are a band any lover of music should get into their system.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Ode to David Smith

I am working on a presentation that revolves around my inspirations and favorite artists, I came across this which I haven't read in a long time, it is just as refreshing as the first time I read it.
I would like to make sculpture that would rise from
water and tower in the air–
that carried conviction and vision that had not
existed before
that rose from a natural pool of clear water
to sandy shores with rocks and plants
that men could view as natural without reverence or awe
but to whom such things were natural because they were
statements of peaceful pursuit–and joined in the
phenomenon of life
Emerging from unpolluted water at which men could bathe
and animals drink–that
harboured fish and clams and all things natural to it
I don’t want to repeat the accepted fact,
moralize or praise the past or sell a product
I want sculpture to show the wonder of man, that flowing water,
rocks, clouds, vegetation, have for the man in peace who
glories in existence
this sculpture will not be the mystical abode
of power of wealth of religion
Its existence will be its statement
It will not be a scorned ornament on a money changer’s temple
or a house of fear
It will not be a tower of elevators and plumbing with every
room rented, deductions, taxes, allowing for depreciation
amortization yielding a percentage in dividends
It will say that in peace we have time
that a man has vision, has been fed, has worked
it will not incite greed or war
That hands and minds and tools and material made a symbol
to the elevation of vision
It will not be a pyramid to hide a royal corpse from pillage
It has no roof to be supported by burdened maidens
It has no bells to beat the heads of sinners
or clap the traps of hypocrites, no benediction
falls from its lights, no fears from its shadow
this vision cannot be of a single mind– a single concept,
it is a small tooth in the gear of man,
it was the wish incision in a cave,
the devotion of a stone hewer at Memphis
the hope of a Congo hunter
It may be a sculpture to hold in the hand
that will not seek to outdo by bulky grandeur
which to each man, one at a time, offers a marvel of
close communion, a symbol which answers to the holder’s vision,
correlates the forms of woman and nature, stimulates the
recall sense of pleasurable emotion, that momentarily
rewards for the battle of being

Monday 2 November 2009


A gallery of phototelegraphy. Before the internet, the electric telegraph system spanned the globe. The telegraph was developed to such a pitch that — by 1901 — it could be used to send photographs.

And another

From the same one

Time for a photo

From a current project

Tuesday 27 October 2009


RUNNING FROM CAMERA is a blog I have been following for a long time now and the idea itself is so simple it works on many levels. It seems to me like a different approach to the 'kodak' moment that most people seem obsessed with when they travel anywhere, this 'running from camera' idea appears to be a documentation of where this guy has been, with a bit of fun chucked in.

Its a nice surprise when you see a new one every now and again.

Wednesday 30 September 2009

Fast Eddie

A few years after Richard Billingham's Rays a Laugh, Brenda Ann Kenneally has put her account of her fathers lifestyle into the public eye. It could be said to be a response to Billinghams connection with his father, but I feel rather than exposing her father she is simply showing how he is, take it or leave it.
Where Billingham could have been said to be exploiting his fathers decline in aid of 'Art', Kenneally is showing a deeper, more compassionate look at her fathers recklessness. Although both photo essays are looking at an arguably similar issue from an approach which lies at very different ends of the spectrum, there is no denying that Kenneally's more recent project feeds into what Richard Billingham was trying to say; and vice versa.

You must have a look HERE

Friday 18 September 2009

Things cost more, but we all earn the same

Down to my last few quid, should have budgeted last week.