Friday, 31 July 2009

Images copyright

When approached by the Police explain (if you can) what you're painting.
If they think your painting is an "eyesore" give the police some paint and invite them help out.
If that fails change your acting roles from "Street Painter"
to "Bank Robber" and get the fuck out of there!

This is the work of a street artist who go's by the name of GoAbove, not much more is known about him. His work comes across as an interrail story across Europe to an International Jetset across the world. What a student project! Really quirky and inspirational uniqueness to his approach to street art, a term which usually is associated with spray paint art. Like the previous post shows, there is a lot more to this medium.

P.S. Dont forget to look out for the Hanging Arrows!

Thursday, 30 July 2009

Installation artists Gabriel Primo and Tiago Primo are combining climbing with art and public interaction. Getting people interested in art is very important thing, even if they dont entirely understand why or how it can be art, or why they like it. The fact that they see something in it that they never assumed they would is the most important thing about art.

Wednesday, 29 July 2009


Copyright Andrew Clarke 2009

Another one like before, but a few miles further.


Copyright Andrew Clarke 2009

.....Just places I rest when out on the old 'RecordS'

Only 9 miles, but very elevated.

Possible the cheesiest advert for any computer software i have ever seen. Shows the lengths companies are going to see their products during this recession. Ah well, at least it has Jackie Chan's expertise fighting away evil viruses!!

Sunday, 26 July 2009

The End of an Era

Copyright Andrew Clarke 2009

I am working on a documentary project with Sam in Hartlepool at a place called Steetley.We are aiming to preserve some part or essence of this magnesium plant. These photographs are some test/location shots that I shot during the week. The photographs hopefully will not only capture the sadness but also the beauty of industrial decline. The Steetley site is somewhere that has to be documented because it is such a visually intense place, and we feel people need to see these images, before the site disappears forever. One of our proposed venues for display is the Bank Gallery in Carlisle, plus another in Hartlepool. Although, this exhibition has the potential to go further afield, with the possibility of showing in more locations across the north of England.

Tv On the Radio

Decent band about at the minute, I have been listening to Return to Cookie Mountain, Its a very strange album from a artistic point of view, there is not much standard structure to the majority of the songs.
Its a very indepth and interesting album...

Shame about the Album cover, someone went a bit crazy on photoshop with no voice in their head asking them to question what the hell they were playing at!

Saturday, 25 July 2009


Got a new guitar, well its pretty old actually, needs a lot of restoring so over the next few months you'l hopefully see some changes..


Discovered through a few forums that its a 1978 Ibanez FA100. Manufacturing ended in 1984 so its quite a vintage rarity. I feel so lucky and thanks again to my Uncle Norman for the Donation!

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Electric Windows

Image by Daryll Peirce

A very pure and inspirational project being undertaken by painters stretching the capabilities of spray paint & mixed media within the surroundings of an old building in NY.

For anyone interested in the lesser seen and talked about locations on our planet, this Documentary directed by Werner Hertzog will definitely blow you away. Exploring the continent of Antartica and the people + colonies that live there. It really is an amazing exploration into possibly the last undamaged landscape on the planet.

check the trailer HERE

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Backdated a week or so

Copyright Andrew Clarke 2009

From the infamous 11th Night in Northern Ireland. A view from the Knockagh mountain of the 'Bon Fires' lit on the day before the parades in the centre of the city.

An Alternate view on this event.

Addictive City

Just back from Amsterdam and must say that the effects of the city and the layouts and the sights to be seen everyday are enough for me; with the occasional pint in between. For the first time in months I was just roaming completely free with my camera without having to think too much about an assignment, I could just explore and let my imagination do the work.

a few images that I picked out, each as diverse as the next; just like Amsterdam

Thursday, 16 July 2009

Halfway From Home

Quite literal in its explanation, I was halfway from home when I made these 'exposures'. This work is a few months old, but I thought I would put it up anyway as it suits my mood at the minute, sitting up late. Heading to amsterdam tomorrow, so hopefully lots of nice pictures to show when I get back!

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Man Of Aran

I came across an album by 'British Sea Power' a while ago from a friend, its called 'Man of Aran',
loved the album but didnt realise it was a sound track made this year for a film that was made in 1934 by Robert J. Flaherty.

Flaherty was also director of photography and clearly a sharp eye for composition, the film is classed as a documentary but the characters were all chosen by Flaherty for their photogenic qualities and the locations on the island equally.

here is a section of the film overlayed with the soundtrack, the purpose of the soundtrack was for the films DVD rerelease later this year.


I wont come home

Recent look at movement and fluidity, the idea of journey and exploring, the rush and buzz of getting off a train in a new city you know nothing about. People selling strange items from stalls, unfamiliar façade's and street markings; a new step in the adventure.

The journey to get to the location in this moment in time is almost instantly forgotten even though you were most likely looking out the window for the duration of the journey.

The adjacent roof

Iseem to have an affiliation with campfires and the atmosphere that surrounds them, be them by the sea, by a river or in the open countryside; I still cant seem to understand, or rather portray the experience as it actually feels to me through an image, or at least as close a portrayal as possible.

from the most recent fire --

New And Improved

Im pretty new to this whole blog caper, my last blog situated here -> was an inhouse blog to do with the University, not very spectacular from a presentation perspective really.
So this is a move to make something a touch more professional and, interesting looking.